Internship headache......juz went i thought everything is settle. ON semiconductor called, and they offer me the internship, nia xx. That was the last company that i thought will reply me and accepted me 4 internship.......still felt abit unbelievable. Haiz......
The problem now is have sign the reply letter 2 another company, and i dono whether i can reject the company's offer after i sign it onot? it juz ON is juz 2 tempting coz i can expose 2 many new things ther and not bcoz it is a multinational company or the allowance........
Guess now all i can do is had my finger crossed and hope God will lead the way.......thats y a sentence is alwayz true, that is 有早知,就没乞丐。。。。haiz, it juz gets even darker, darker and darker.......
Ya true im a very emotional person, i shldnt b in Seremban rite and ishldnt b writing things on my blog now. i got tonne of assignment and on monday i got a test too(not an easy 1, for me la). ya, im hoem now, i mean seremban. Good to b home, yes thats true. But somehow i din feel feeling seems to b easily distracted.
2day my mum found the file where i kept all my certs, and i found a small paper note in it which i kept it like 7yrs ago. The paper note of her dude(it's not a love letter, don worry), i somehow dono y it end up ther man. i swear. but anyway, that note paper sure give a warning or signal 4 me though. it means I shld b backing off, base on previous experiences. Can u imagine how stupid im, i put the note in my certs file which is an important kind of file 2 me dude.
Ya, i thk it through clearly dy. I thk i rather die slowly compare 2 i expose myself and die on the spot. Unless God really give me the chance or a show me a way 2 do it. I always get mad unexplainable when i saw somthing i shldnt c........haha.
Now, im having a dizzy head, i mean im real dizzy. mayb the pressure is juz too much? or it juz im working so not that enough that somehow i end up in a state like tis......haha
Lol......alot does happen tis few weeks.......they r earthquake, tsunami and now even radiation hazard.....everyone is scare like hell. Fake messages send by those brainless scammer r flying all over the globe. Guess they r too free huh? They r also stupid ppl talking stupid things (like always malaysia do, Malaysia Boleh rite?). From the ultraman comic to the brainless beehive hair Rosmah, 1st lady, kononnya.......
Personally, i din have much deep felling abt the earthquake and tsunami tht hits Japan. I juz live my own life and like always not being sensitive 2 things around me. All i care is the survival aurther of the japanese comic book. Without those comics, my life could b meaningless. Haha......Of course, some others also care abt the so called AV's idol in japan......1 of them die in the disaster......lots of 'malatlou' post it on fb, so i noe....haha, she does look pretty though.
Bside those things which caught my attention, the video of Rosmah does get my attention on how important, as a human being we share our love and sympathy 2 others who hav facing trouble. The so called 1st lady of Malaysia, said that Japan shld focus more on developing 'Green technology' and said that Japan is paying the prices now for not doing so. WTH, how she could so retard har? A country which din even put any effort on going Green, ask the another country who has been practising it 4 at least a decade to focus more on Green technology. Japan's technologies is like 10 streets ahead of us and their government have alot of policies that encourage their citizaen 2 go green.
My wishes is Japan can regain their composure fast and rise up again. Next, i pray 4 less retarded personnel 2 step talking craps ever the word Malaysia is funny enough 4 ppl 2 laugh till dead.......
At last i present u, the brainless Rosmah and her beehive hair too......she definitely need 2 go to the reality show called 'biggest loser asia'.......haha
lol.....same process, same routine but different ppl, different situation......guess wat? i experience it again......although the level of seriousness is nothing compare 2 last time.......but it sure can make me act weird nia.......i started 2 open my book and thk of my homework but although im seem 2 b very hardworking. Well, actually im not, my mind juz blank.......filled all wit that shit dilemma all over my head.......Guess better luck next time huh? not my time huh? queue up dude, wait ur turn huh?
Hate my coward-ness, so fxxking hate myself. The fxxk up past memory is now flipping through my mind over and over again.......shit!!!!!!
As like i say, is not so serious. Hopefully after i wrote all tis here, i will b able 2 wake up 2mrw 2 be a boy with will to study and did my job..........God Bless xxx and me too.......haha