haha, 2day i accompany my mum go jusco buy her new clothes and sambil c i can found mine's also. i definitely saw some nice clothes but hor, the price tag is quite jialat lo......haha. guess u have to have some points of financial ability to look good huh? like wat i expected, my wallet now left 1 hundred somthing and my bank account left not more that 1 hundred ringgit inside it.
wat i can do is juz making the fake smile to my parents and always say i got enough money to use lo......so i ending up buying nthg coz i don think spending the money now is a wise decision, f.y.i i had to go bak early for my holiday due to some unfinish fyp's business.by that time ptptn is not in yet and i definitely nid some money to survive. then, after noticing me din buy any clothes for cny, my dad start talking craps, he told me that i could wear his shirts if i wanted to........and he assure i will look good on it. haha, juz i thought my taste r bad enough, juz until u c my dad's outfit......haha. or mayb im wrong those clothes at that time is really 'in', who noes.....guess my life really cant separate with money, especially tis few months....
1 thing of going bak home is relaxation and satisfaction. relaxation means u wont have to think craps u face at uni and satisfaction i refer to is my stomach satisfaction......i had finished a can of 'nga gu' and i will gambateh of finish another 1 2mrw.......haha. definitely will gain some weight during tis cny......
so, hopefully tis cny could b yet another memorable memory.......juz felt like good time get lesser and lesser day by day.......i can definitely feeling it.........so happy chinese new year and gong xi fai cai everyone.........wish everyone huat ar!!!!
hah! talent, i believe is a kind of 'thing' that everyone has it but no all ppl can discover it or rather use it well. i been trying my whole life to try out many things and i seem like failing to find it though. talent is a kind of thing where a person can easily conduct or getting a job done without learning or appropriate training at the 1st place. for example, some ppl are good at memories things, they can juz memories things with juz a snap. i once heard a person sharing that he was joining the war game competition fr the 1st time, and his team won the championship, other professional even invited him to join the international competition coz they think the guy is a natural born sharp shooter.
So, i thinks a person's talent could b wide and also could b narrow means that people could have a lot of talent or mayb a person have that only talent but he can maximized it to a level where others cant reaches.
although i havnt found wat is my 'talent' is juz yet, but im certainly narrowing down my list and hopefully 1 day i could discover it, haha. damn, wish i could discover wat im good at, and probably my life wont be that miserable.....haha.
happy chinese new year and happy holiday for those who finished their papers.........
haha......is chinese new year soon........cant wait for the holiday. 2 more weeks......yahoo!!! there is so much on my 'to do list', i wan to dye my hair, buy some new clothes or sneakers, go for a movie, sing k, and more and more. But sadly for those high level spending like dying my hair and buying clothes is out of my range that i could afford, coz i officially broke........haha, congratulation. nvr in my life i think i will broke living in uthm (universiti tenggelam habis malaysia), guess im sinking with it huh?
and the question arise, why dont i go had a part time job? 1st, i don have the time, after my final is cny and after cny i had to go bak to do my fyp. 2nd, if my parents finds out im working outside, they will sure noe im lack of money, and for sure they will find a way to give me money whether i agrees or not. FYI, my parents r not working. i don feel like to ask money frm my parents since my father retired, im fully depend on my ptptn. right b4 the sem starts, i do some simple calculation, i shld b able to gone through tis sem with the money i had left but sadly shits juz come and i end up using more money that i expected........(dono la, now i rather go eat alone also don wan to go eat with that guy who make my life miserable). i dono since i become a person like tat, felt like i started to wonder whether i really noe myself well enough. perhaps im tire of every morning wakes up thinking where to eat and how to spend in order to use less than rm10 ringgit perday........trust me is kinda fuck up.......right im actually eating 1 or 2 meal per day......not more than 2........if got exam mayb 3, im now banning all those high spending restaurant like McD and kfc.
im having my thrifty life for almost a month dy........got ppl invite me go movie i rejected them, ppl jio me go McD i say no, ppl call me go ther, do that......if involves money, i will definitely reject them. seems like God help me when 2day i go try chg my bus ticket's date.....the aunty say knot.....then i wont b spending money at kl........but kinda sad coz cant met wit old frens.......all can hope for is next year lo.
i juz realize recently i update my blog quite frequently........izit a good sign or a bad sign. but 1 thing for sure, im stress and i cant juz show it all on my face, it will scares ppl. all i can do is to express through words........lastly, wish everyone a early happy chinese new year.......
is been a busy week, but is a hapi week coz my best fren is getting married. but despite of hapiness, i also discover some facts abt myself. During the week, i had did many things that i nvr did b4 in my life. i get drunk by having alcohol more that i had in my whole life so far( i dint usually drink, my parent dont drink, only sometime my uncle will 'yam sheng' with me during cny, thats all). i get to ply snooker, believe it or not, tis is the first time i grab a snooker stick, FML. As usual i ply like a noob, even jessie can ply better than me. sometimes i really think do i had any talents that i can proud of. next, the fun part, i go clubbing leh! nvr in my life really been to a clubbing place that was filled with alot of ppl. And i juz found out that i cant dance or rather moving my body.......haha, i noe is lame.
but no regret la, countdown at pub kinda new and fresh for me. plying snooker like noob also nvm la. sucks at drinking beer also nvm la, im dont have to drink everyday also. after all those new things i try out, i kinda have a conclusion. i sucks in almost everything except sleeping. and 1 more thing that really doesnt make sense is i still had frens who r still willing to let me join them and gila2 with them. i cant find the answer y they willing to let me join them, coz i kinda sucks in everything. if they post status of asking a question b4 new year, i certainly will ask them abt it.
but anyway, for the moment i juz think it as a present or luck that God gave me...... coz for me, i dono wat my life will b without them. Im a nerd kind of person from kindergarden, primary school, secondary school and till now university. i had some minor improvement but basically is the same. there was not a single girls willing to willing to let me join them except those of my best frens.
Talk abt the topic of 'nerd'. i thinking of me, having my glasses on and open my mouth wide, sitting on the chair at the class while listening to the teacher's teaching. I kinda do that too until now when im really really blur. that scene was the me when i was in my primary school. i used to get beaten up by others, juz like wat u see in those movie (the movie is juz over reacted, mine is more moderate, haha). so, i decided that, i will do wat i want frm now on, im a born nerd, my nerdiness is apart of me.......so i will live like a nerd according to my way. bis not bad to b a nerd, the world has to had bad ppl to shows that there is noble ppl. the same goes to nerd, nerds a essential to prove that the 'cool' ppl are actually 'cool'.
its new year, all i hoping is to encounter less trouble or problem, if can had a gf coz my frens will soon getting married 1 by 1 liao......and juz like the song of bruno mars 'today my life begins', i will break tis chain that bind me, happiness will find me......hopefully........haha........hopefully~~~~~~