Tis is the road of the village, it is a small and narrow road which could onli allow motorcycles, bicycle and people to walkthrough. The road hav no barrier bside the road makes me wonder if ther is som1 fell into the water o not......i hope not. Due to the road condition which is narrow, the people here mostly travel using a bicycle and on that day was the day i saw the most bicycle in my life so far.......suddenly i felt like im in china or japan somhow.
HA.....here a useful tool, at least is useful ther.....due to the narrow road the car cant go in to the village.....this things 'beca' (i make it up myslef) can transfer bags and belonging, goods and even long woods(sry i didnt get the picture).
Now ther a small incident i wanted 2 share......ther was a bunch of so call 小妹妹, which is som secondary student selling small flag 4 st.john ambulance......i was the closest on the spot.....and all my senior saw them juz ran into the house coz don wan 2 donate gua......i saw the girls r quite pretty so i donate one ringgit lo.......im a pervert k? im force 2 do so, u all try imagine a few girls in 6-7 ppl staring at u, wish that u can donate som money......how can u reject them.....and 1 more thing, after i donate they say me is the most handsome guy at the group.....i feel happy but i noe thats a lie, i like to tipu myslef somtime also......who wan 2 go vomit, u may do so......
So, tis was the specialty that u can onli get from Kukup. Thats wat i heard la. It is actually a jelly cover with somthing inside.....different colour means different flavours. It actually taste nice, and each cost around 50 or 60 cents. I juz buy some 4 my roommate onli......bcoz im lack of money and i don hav frige.......so sry my frens in seremban i buy 4 u all, it will definately busuk by then.
Lastly, i think Kukup is a good place......mayb next time we could hav a own trip with my form6 frens to Kukup, at ther all shalet* got equip wit kareoka........
nextime buy d then pos laju to serdang la haha,i wana taste oso ma:P
c how lo...eh i think pos laju also busuk de la...so tamak makan...T.T me no holiday de...
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