Monday, August 3, 2009

haha useless me 2....

i don noe somthimes wat im thinking....thinking things that wont happen and things that dont even exist also.....haiz.

for example like 2day is anugerah dekan award day, i don y i saw those who can go and i felt a bit uneasy bcoz i thought of my 1st sem grade which is 3.49 and the minimum requirement to get dekan award was 3.50......during the whole i didnt care about it much but not until 2day. I felt nothing ectually juz a bit bit unpleasant thats all.

and my main problem i havnt quite manage to solve it yet, but i think successfully throw it a side coz sometimes i juz too bz until i forgot the problem. although sometime i will thought of it somehow.....thank god the effect is less now....

may god b with all of us and sry 4 my poor grammar......

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