I guess u r tired of me complaining abt my life......but be honest im also a bit fade up wit my self. What to do, tis is one of the way of me expressing my anger, feeling, happiness and almost everything. Haha, finally i decided to upload som photo la.....the photo r so rojak and i cant decide wat title to put on....so i choose the word rojak rather than random......bcoz i think is more malaysian.
1st of all....

The trophy for the water rocket contest of malam kebudayaan bahasa asing. Firstly, i cant figure out the connection btwn a water rocket and foreign language. But anyway my team did win a 3rd prize, and as a result every team member get a 'junk' as shown on the picture. Eh is totally pointless and useless by giving out tis kind of trophy. When i 1st saw the trophy i nearly laugh my head off, it kinda remind me of the trophy i get from the sport day during my kindergarten's day and that makes me feel weird. I prefer money or a prize certificate(at least it wont seem so rubbish). But i cant complain, i din even hav any contribution on making the rocket anyway(im not lazy, im juz doing other assignment).

Perhaps the best laksa in seremban......i wanna to eat so much and i juz cant hav it. Coz everytime i return to seremban i will having a sore throat.....but thankfully tis time im healthy, i went to the Asia restaurant(if not mistaken). The taste of the laksa still remains but the ingredient seem to be less, haha mayb is due to food price raised for tis few yrs. Is quite good, and it is a old shop.....it worth a try for those who havnt try b4. i think tis is the laksa i will eat in seremban....lolx

This is the fruit rojak i would eat almost every week in seremban. It doesnt look pretty on the photo, but it sure taste good.....u can find it in every big pasar malam like at blossom and seremban jaya......actually, tis stall was opened by 1 of our brother from my church.....but it doesnt mean im helping him promoting his food. It really good, but if u buy jor and felt nthg special at all. pls don shoot me or throw rotten egg on me.....i really felt it taste good.....

tis is nthg special la.....juz wanted to say that i enjoy mcdonald's meal alot since i was small.....and even until now......i juz dunno y and how im so amuse by the taste of the burger.....anyway mcdonald is better than kfc la.......
YEs!!!! i din complain anything abt my life in tis post......haha
From : ur friendly neighbourhood cockroach
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