Do u ever feel like u r down? without any specific reason? u feel uneasy all of a sudden, and get really pissed off without any reason and all u wana 2 do is juz lay down on ur bed or juz sitting at the corner of ur room day-dreaming (aka emo).........
Well, y i wana share tis coz, in my whole life, i thk i spend more time on doing that day-dreaming stuff compare 2 other things. some said that it is a bad practise coz, u will eventually bcom less social-like person. u tend 2 b alone a cant mix wit others. in my point of view, it could b a good thing also, coz during that time u can juz relax, thought of some memorable moments, the purpose of life, wat u nid 2 do next, thk of wat u done in the pass few years.........and more. So, its more like a power regain process that function like sleep but sleeping is physically and day-dreaming is mentality. but hey don get me wrong, im not those anti-social kind of guy, i like going out wit frens, doing some crazy stuff and it juz fun........although, in a certain period i does bcom a introvert somehow la, and that the things i wana 2 share next.
Ok next is the bad side of it, sometimes the day-dreaming could b like a labyrinth.......u will keep on trapped inside until u find ur way out. wat i mean is u will keep on and on thking abt a problem until u found a solution. and in the process of finding the solution, u may suffer frm depression and wont like to talk 2 any1, at least thats wat i experience. the process amy take days , months or even years to figure it out.......but sometimes it juz a snap and u got the answer.
So, overall ther is pros and cons la of course, nthg is perfect and that include me and u......bcoz we r juz humans. Life is juz abt finding the right way to suit the surrounding around and not the other way around.......if not u will b suffering, big time!!!!
Last and will b the least, happy chinese new seems like too early leh, nvm i been looking 4ward 2 it since i arrive again in the king of 'longkang'..........wish everyone happy days ahead.........

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